Saturday, 5 November 2011

Anxiety, Returning to Work and Rabbits

So now I’ve done a few blogs, now you know a bit about me... I’ve touched upon my body issues and some of the pregnancy related things I’ve been through... So what now? Is it normal to feel a bit unmotivated once you’ve written the initial posts you wanted to write? I sort of feel a bit unsure now as to what to touch upon next?

I’m pretty sure nobody wants to re-read about my breasts or post pushing piles, nobody really seems overly thrilled about the whole fashion attempt (understandably as I do realise that can get a bit mundane, especially as 75% of my clothing collection consists of florals) So unless anything spectacularly magnificent happens in my life tomorrow like I become pregnant again or I lose my job then what is there to write about? 

Therefore I have decided to just write a bit or motherly nonsense. 

So to start off with a bit of nonsense… when I breastfeed, ever since I started breastfeeding... For the first 2 or 3 minutes I get this really weird anxious I must write a list, as I have so much to do feeling! Is that normal? Because I’ve never heard of this before! It goes away pretty quickly but it’s really intense! To describe it best would be that feeling you get when you’re in a meeting, or at Uni or something... and you can’t get out but you’re pretty sure you left the gas on and your worried you might kill you’re dog, or worse you're mother or somthing.

I haven’t discussed it with anyone as I figured it was probably just a hormonal thing, but all the same am I weird for having these feelings? Not sure.. Will those emotions pass down to my daughter? This troubles me...

Now off of that subject and on to another, working mums... Now I’m a working mum, well soon to be! I’m due to go back to my full time job as a Nurse in January. Over the past 4 months my daughter has clearly become very used to me being with her 24/7 and being at her every beck and call. So this has resulted in her having a bit of the old stranger anxiety problem...

My Husband has a humungous family, so she is very much used to being passed around... Although when she gets tired or just a bit grouchy she only wants me, there’s no way anyone else can calm her like I can. She sees her dad as a fun machine, he’s there to blow raspberries with, and roll around on... but it seems when she needs comforting only her Mother will do.

So I’ve been told I should allow others to attempt to calm her, to let her be passed around more and to leave her with people and go out? Now that’s all very well and good but my argument is...

Do you see animals like Tigers or Cows going off and leaving their cubs or calf’s with other random animals for a night out? No you don’t! They have that baby and that’s their baby and they feed them and protect them and that’s their motherly instinct! So why are humans made to feel like they’re doing something wrong by forming a natural bond with their child? you're damned if you do and your damned if you don't.

That brings my point back to working mums... Now I understand we have to work, I am in no way going to rely on the government to feed me when I have a perfectly good qualification I can use! I have a job waiting for me and I love my job, but I’m in a bit of a pickle because it’s like I’ve now formed that tiger motherly instinct feeling and I don’t want to leave my baby (tear rolls down my cheek as I type).

So what do I do with this time left? Start breaking away so she gets used to me not being there? Or spend as much quality time with her now whilst I have the time off? I’d be really interested in any coping mechanisms other working mums out there have or have used in the whole going back to work predicament...

So that’s all really, got a couple of things off my mind, feel a bit fresher now! Think I’m sort of back in to the swing of things blogging wise.. Bravo

Also one last thing, if anyone has a rabbit and child experience please let me know… the good and the bad, as my husband won’t let me have a dog but has said yes to a rabbit so even though I don’t really want a rabbit it’s the closest thing to a dog I’m going get, so I’m exploring the idea… all I know is that rabbits eat their brothers and sisters? That puts me off a bit but I’m willing to overlook that if it means I can have an animal and call it Humphrey (which is what I wanted to call my son if I had one but I’m not allowed).

Thanks, have a good fireworks night all.


  1. Hello! Welcome to the blogging world.....

    Can't really give advice on going back to work, as I didn't (am lucky enough that our mortgage is manageable and my husband has a good income). I am sure you little girl will be fine after a couple of weeks of childcare. It is daunting and horrible at first, but babies are tremendously adaptable. I think it is always harder for the mum, than it is for the child!

    I can however advise: get a cat! Check out different breeds, as some breeds are tremendously cuddly and loving... and they are easier to look after than rabbits, esp if you are on holiday.

    We love our cats to bits, as to the kids and we have never had a child/ cat problem. I used to be a dog person. Now I am a cat person too. Rabbits are boring.


  2. Hello! It's really hard finding your feet with blogging my dear. Over the last few months since I started out I 'ummed and 'ahhed about what I should write about , it took a while to get my mojo (yeah baby! in a Austin Powers stylee).

    Motherly 'nonsense' is good! People love to read about things that they can relate to - you are doing a grand job missus :)

    Come over to Love New Blogs this weekend (or ) and fill in the form to put this post in ready to be Showcased on Monday. The newer bloggers on there are lovely lovely people and very supportive indeed. If they read that you are struggling to think of what to write about they'll help you with advice and support for sure xx

    Also Britmums do a weekly blogging prompt which can give you a nudge into challenging yourself into writing something different - plus you can then link up on their site and find others who are posting about the same topic in the week too, it's a fun way of getting involved in the bloggy world. They'll post a new one up tomorrow over on


  3. Welcome to this crazy blogging world! I had the same problem - wrote the posts I wanted to get out and then got a bit stuck! I found linkies to be my saviour - reasons to be cheerful, friday club carnivals and the gallery are great ones to get you thinking.
    I work full time, my son is 4. I promise you it gets easier! You will still feel guilty and there will always be someone that makes you feel bad, but you are doing it to give your family the lives you want. It also gives your child a really good sense of independence and confidence around new people.

  4. Hi.
    Blogging can feel a bit of a challenge at first - but this is your space, blog as if no one is reading. It flows - like it did today.
    There are loads of link ups if you was inspirations, readers or to meet other bloggers - check out Ella Notes From Home blog for a list.
    Breast feeding - never has that, but I do get twitching so have to have lists for everything - maybe write down the stuff that bothers you as you start to feed maybe that can park it a bit.
    Work. It is hard. But it will be OK. My son wasn't used to being passed about - we have no family.
    It is difficult, he cried, I felt awful but it passes.
    He benefits from being elsewhere and I enjoyed working.
    It will be OK - it just doesn't feel like it.
    If I can help with anything else blogging wise, tweet me or find me on Britmums and ask away.
    Enjoy the journey - you have a lovely blogging style.

  5. Wotcha. I've been blogging for a few months and just write about whatever comes into my head. Sometimes people read it sometimes they don't. It's lovely to get comments though!

    I had a rabbit growing up but I'm afraid to say my mum did all the caring for it. I love the idea of animals but not the hard work. It was a bit wild really and its claws were scratchy so I never liked holding it.

    Anyway good luck with the rabbit and the blogging

  6. Wow I'm feeling very suported right now! Thanks for all you're lovely lovely comments! I now have a plan.. Get up tomorrow, write a worry list, suggest a cat purchase to the husband, work out how to use Britmums etc and spend lots of quality time with the daughter :)
    Positive thoughts yipee
